Archiwum 05 lipca 2004

lip 05 2004 Somebody's poem
Komentarze: 10

"Never come true"

With the heart, that's getting darker every day

Full of dreams, that'll never come true

Full of such great solitude.

I leave myself and go to the deepest sides of my soul.

So much life running over me...

I left you in my dreams, where you'll always be mine.

In all of these visions

                                     I see you with me

These visions...

                            They're killing me.

Fallnig and walking like a shadow,

Like something that should never come true

In the world of illusions, that keep me here

And help me to die.

With this emptiness in my heart

I think about the future, that'll never come.

These are only my dreams.


Why am I not unusual?



Autor wiersza pragnie za wszelką cenę pozostać anonimowy, jednak bardzo go ucieszą ewentualne próby odgadnięcia jego tożsamości.

Do prób gorąco zacheca. :]


Wszelkie błędy, czy literówki w tekście nie są zamierzone i powatały jedynie z winy niewiedzy autora, za którą ten gorąco przeprasza i prosi o zgłaszanie ich właścicielowi bloga, a ten to poprawi.



adela_87 : :